Frequently Asked Questions

If you can not find the answer to your question here, please click on the below link and send us an email, we want to make sure you have all the information you need.

How long is the CTT program?

Our flexible education program is designed around the needs of individual classes. We cover all the topics mentioned on the home page, (Budgeting, Affluenza, Credit ratings, Banking, Insurance, Superannuation, SMART goals, Teck Talk, and Resume and personal portfolio building), but individual topics can be covered in more detail as appropriate.

How many kids to do take at once?

We can do class sizes and also full days with larger numbers. In class sizes, we generally like 2 x double periods (1oo minutes) to present the program. Larger groups can also be catered for with full-day sessions as appropriate.

What is the cost of the program?

The cost is determined by class size, structure, and school location. Please complete the inquiry pack here for expressions of interest and we will be in touch.

What are the learning outcomes from the program?

You can download the learning outcome guidelines here

Can you supply references?

We most certainly do! In our inquiry pack, you will see references from students/participants, parents, teachers, and coordinators.