Do you know where to look to find the gold nuggets?

Over the past two years, businesses had to pivot. But there is one in particular that really stood out for me. I was called in to host a strategic meeting, the whole staff was present, 17 in total. The age range of the staff were 18 to 60, a diverse age group of 90% males. The business was 90% face-to-face. As is the case with a lot of these meetings at the beginning of covid there was a fair bit of panic and individual thinking had taken over. My first job was to bring their thinking back from individual thinking to how together could we pivot.

Going around the room asking for ideas always starts slow, but we got there. We were moving online, we were focusing our sales and we had a plan. There was very little online presence to date. They didn’t have a reputation in this space at all. It was going to be a big job! There were competitors that were already there that has established customer base.

Going around the room doing the swot analysis, I asked for individual skills that could be added as a strength. The youngest employee in the room said “I kinda of like to play around with videos” I was like, great! Put something together and bring it back. After our lunch he presented an incredible video that left the room in ORRRR.

And just like that, he went from being the youngest to the hero in the room. His hobby was a major contributing factor to the success of this business during such a challenging time.

I asked if I could see his resume, and in there under hobbies there it was! This young man thought that because he had no formal education in this area he couldn’t put this on his resume as a skill. It was most certainly a skill!!!!

Skills such as these can be identified in other ways, through Nature of Business’ communication course you will learn what questions to ask potential employees to find the golden nuggets. If you want to know more, give me a call on 0400 528 382 I would love to chat.


Buy Now, Pay later - Really?!?!?!?


Do you know what you are really capable of?