Planning for a Successful 2021

2021 IS HERE

It feels like a relief to say goodbye to 2020, but before we do it is really important that we take time to remember what we have learnt about our business and about ourselves.

It was a year that none of us have seen before and I do not think we would like to see it again to this magnitude. But taking what we have learnt and moving forward will better prepare us for any other obstacles that may come our way in the future.

So, for my first article of 2021 I am going to set you some challenges!

Challenge 1

Take 10 minutes out of your day and do exactly that – reflect on 2020 and write down everything that you faced, overcome and how you did it.

This is a fantastic way to look back and see how much you and your business have learnt and grown!

Challenge 2

Now put it away, learn from it and move forward, 2020 has passed and now we are in 2021 looking forward.

Challenge 3

Write down your 2021 goals! Think about exactly what you want and write it down! Start to change your mindset so you are now focusing on your goals, where you want to be and what you want to achieve.

Challenge 4  

There is no point having goals if you do not have a plan to achieve them, so let’s get planning!!! There are lots and lots of different techniques you can use to plan out your goals and there is no hard and fast rule – it is what is going to work for you. I like to use SMART goal planning, but it is completely up to you. SMART goals are defined as, Specific goals, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Specific.

Challenge 5 

Go after your goals!!! Do not write them out and let them sit there, go after them, chase them, run them down!!! 2021 is your year, make it your best year yet!!!

Challenge 6

Tell me! Tell me so I can make you accountable to achieve them! Most people that succussed at their goals never do it alone. They will have someone that is making them accountable along the way. Accountability is simply making sure you are not getting distracted on other activities or helping you through those unproductive periods that we all go through. When you have the right person keeping you accountable it will increase your confidence, it will increase your own skills and you will achieve your own goals.

So, what are you going to accomplish in 2021?


Its Time We All Found New Jonese


It’s the Season for Giving and Growing your Business Culture